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Guest Editors

Thom Conroy

Thom Conroy is a senior lecturer in creative writing at Massey University. Sometimes publishing under the name, Thomas Gough, his work has appeared in various journals,

including Sport, Landfall, New England Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner,

and Agni. His short story 'The Evening's Peace' was noted in Best American Short Stories

2011 as a 'Distinguished Story of 2010'. His first novel, The Naturalist, was published with Random House in 2014.

Sandra Arnold

Sandra Arnold is an award-winning writer with a PhD in Creative Writing from CQ University, Australia. She is the author of two novels and a book on parental bereavement. Her third novel, ASH will be published by Mākaro Press (New Zealand) in 2019. Her short stories have been widely published and anthologised in New Zealand and internationally. Her flash fiction appears in numerous journals including the anthologies, Sleep is a Beautiful Colour (National Flash Fiction Day, UK, 2017), Fresh Ink (Cloud Ink Press, NZ, 2017) and is forthcoming in Bonsai: The Big Book of Small Stories (Canterbury University Press, NZ, 2018). Her work has been nominated for the 2018 Pushcart Prize and the 2018 Best Small Fictions.

Julia Prendergast

Julia has a PhD in Writing and Literature (Deakin University), and teaches writing in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University.

Julia’s short stories have been shortlisted and published: Lightship Anthology 2 (UK: Alma Books), Glimmertrain (US),Meniscus (Australasian Association of Writing Programs: AAWP), Bukker Tillibul (Swinburne University), Boroondara Literary Awards. Julia’s theoretical work has been published: Current Narratives, AAWP, New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing (UK), Testimony Witness Authority: The Politics and Poetics of Experience (UK: Cambridge Scholars Press).

Elizabeth Colbert

"My long term research interest has been in writerly identity. This has been recently

informed by my work with clay. Thinking about the materiality of clay, and the processes I use,

has highlighted the different approaches and styles open a writer and the breadth of results,

such as those in this edition of Miniscus. Working with clay has also led me to return to an

earlier stage in my writing journey, a more playful and risk-taking one, one that acknowledges

the creative potential of play. This approach, in turn, led to some new questions, for me, about writing the first of which is explored in a recent essay on time published in Bukker Tillibul."

Dallas Baker

Dr. Dallas Baker is a Senior Lecturer in writing, editing and publishing at the School of Arts and Communication at the University of Southern Queensland. He has published dozens of scholarly articles and creative works, including a book of travel writing, America Divine: Travels in the Hidden South (2011), and, under the pen name D.J. McPhee, three fantasy fiction novels: Waycaller (2016), Keysong (2017) and Oracle (2017). Dallas has also published a number of short scripts in various respected journals.He is a special issues editor for TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, the peak journal for the Creative Writing discipline in Australia. He is Director of Black Phoenix Publishing Collective and Convenor of the Scriptwriting as Research Symposium. He is co-editor of Forgotten Lives: Recovering History through Fact and Fiction (forthcoming, Cambridge Scholars Press). Dallas’ study and research intersect with a number of disciplines: creative writing, scriptwriting, publishing and cultural studies.

Daniel Juckes

Daniel Juckes is a PhD candidate at Curtin University, Western Australia. His research interests include nostalgia studies, Thing Theory, and autobiography. His writing has been published in Australian Book Review, Westerly, Meniscus and TEXT, and he co-edited Exploring Nostalgia for I-D Press.

Shane Strange

Shane Strange is a doctoral candidate in writing at the University of Canberra where he also tutors and lectures in writing and literary studies. His research interests include creative labour and cultural work; subjectivity and creative practice and cultural representations of the city. He is a writer of essays, short fiction and creative non-fiction and prose poetry.

Hayley Brown

Hayley Brown is a Masters student in her final year at the University of Southern Queensland. She is currently undertaking a research project that will explore the impact digital environments have had on the author-editor relationship. She is excited to pursue a career in editing upon graduating. 

Deb Wain

Debra Wain holds in PhD Creative Writing from Deakin University. Her research interests include women, food and culture, which she has investigated through the creation of short stories. Her work – which has appeared in Landlines: Anthology of regional poets, Verandah, Tincture, Verity La and Meniscus – is often inspired by the Australian communities in which she has lived. Deb has also exhibited poetry and short fiction in the Co-lab exhibitions as part of the Bendigo Writers Festival and her pieces have been performed as part of the Quart Short Literary Salons in Adelaide.

Alice Beecham

Alice Beecham is a recent graduate of a Bachelor of Writing at the University of Canberra, and now hopes to pursue a career in editing. Last year Alice completed an internship with the International Poetry Studies Institute and Recent Work Press under Paul Munden and Shane Strange, after which she continued to work with Shane until moving to London for the final semester of her studies, where she remained after graduation in order to seek her fortune. Alice has also had work published in multiple anthologies, most recently in Westerly: Crossings.


ISSN 2202-8862

Website updated 15 January 2024

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